All children in K – 5th grades are eligible to join Cub Scouts - Start anytime of the year!
Scout Fair 2025
Saturday, May 17th from Noon to 4pm
Rain or Shine
The annual scout fair on the Merion Tribute House grounds is our largest fundraiser of the year and a great time for scouts as they play carnival games, jump in the bounce house, eat treats and win fun prizes. Each scout gets 100 tickets as part of their annual dues. Tickets will be distributed in April.
Questions? Want to register or just visit to check us out? E-mail
Pack Events for 2024-25:
- Pack Meetings - Pack Meetings are held monthly at the Scout House.
- Fall Camping Trip - Camping will be done as a Pack.
- Scouting for Food - Collect donations from your neighborhood for a local food bank.
- Pinewood Derby - Create your car and race against fellow Cubs while enjoying some snacks.
- Blue & Gold Dinner - Bring the family for dinner to have your scout recognized with special entertainment.
- Bike Rodeo - Safely demonstrate your skills on a variety of challenges on your bicycle or get your bike tuned up (helmets are mandatory).
- Spring Camping Trip - Another opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors. Camping will be done by Den.
- Scout Fair - This fundraising event for the Pack is fun for everyone with carnival games, prizes and a pie eating contest!
- Water Ice Social - Our last meeting where we enjoy a summer treat.
Information for Parents of Kids Interested in Joining Cub Scouts or our Pack:
Kids can join at any time of the year. Please contact the Den Leader below based on the grade of your child to register, ask questions, or check out a meeting. Annual dues are coming soon, which goes toward the cost of BSA registration, a subscription to Boys Life magazine, and Pack expenses.
Lion (Kindergarten): Alex Rees-Jones, and Tim Mahoney,
Tigers (1st Grade): Tim Henry,
Wolves (2nd grade): Steve Mark,
Bears (3rd grade): Paul Trombello, John Keeler, and Ken Richards,
Webelos (4th grade): Bill Snook, and Nicholas Lias, and Garett Shiner,
Arrow of Light (5th grade): James Walls, and Devin Grosh,
Cubmaster (Pack):
Cub Scouting has a purpose:
There is a reason for everything boys and girls do in Cub Scouting. Apart from the fun and excitement, the aim of Cub Scouting is to help girls and boys grow into good citizens who are strong in character and personally fit. This is why we say that Cub Scouting is fun with a purpose.
Cub Scouts earn awards:
While the Cub Scout is having fun, he will also be earning badges and awards. Together, you and your Cub Scout will work on projects and participate in a wide range of activities. When the Cub Scout earns a badge, it will be presented to him at a Pack meeting or the Blue and Gold dinner ceremony.
The most popular awards for Cub Scouts are the advancement awards. Cub Scouts do requirements to advance and earn their badges of rank: Tiger Cub, Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and the Arrow of Light Award. The Arrow of Light is the highest award in Cub Scouting. Webelos Scouts also earn activity badges.
Cub Scouts Do Things and Go Places:
Cub Scouting means "doing." You have lots to do as a Cub Scout—crafts, games, sports, songs, stories, and puzzles, to name a few things. Much of the fun happens right in the den and pack. The den usually meets every week, and the pack meets once a month all year long. At den meetings and pack meetings, Cub Scouts do different things for fun and learning.
Cub Scouts also go to events like the annual blue and gold banquet, field contests, and derbies such as the pinewood derby. They go on field trips. They go camping and have other kinds of outdoor adventures. They take part in community events. Cub Scouts do all sorts of exciting stuff! Whatever it is that you enjoy, you'll have a chance to do it in Cub Scouting.
Cub Scouts Belong to Pack and Den:
Every Cub Scout is a member of a Cub Scout pack, which includes all dens (grades) from 1st through 5th grades.
The pack is divided into smaller groups called dens. Each den has about eight to twelve kids, and generally in the same grade.
The Cub Scout pack is sponsored by a charter organization (e.g., a church, a school, or some other group of people in your community or neighborhood). The chartering organization makes sure your pack has good adult leaders, a place to meet, and exciting things to do. The group gets help from the Boy Scouts of America, which is part of Scouting around the world.
Come to our Annual Merion Scout Fair, on every Third Saturday of May Noon to 4 pm (Rain or Shine):
A Lower Merion tradition since the 1950's, the Merion Scout Fair is held on the grounds of a place you may have only been to for a wedding or bar mitzvah. But the Merion Scout House, just behind the Merion Tribute House, was in fact donated to the Merion Boy Scouts by Eldridge Reeves Johnson (co-creator of the Victor Talking Machine Co.) in 1917, the year the Boy Scouts of America was recognized by Congress. The “Merion Liberty Troop,” as it was known back then, was an original troop within the Boy Scouts, founded in 1910. On Saturday, over 105 years later, the grounds of the Merion Tribute House will be filled with classic carnival games, prizes, food and a live and silent auction. The Merion Cub Scout Pack 71 and Merion Liberty Troop, who take pride in the amount of community service they give to Lower Merion every year, is evidently very good at raising money many years ago, a group of their predecessors raised $1.4 million in Liberty War Bonds for WWI.
When: The Third Saturday in May 12 Noon to 4PM every year.
Where: Merion Tribute House Grounds, 625 Hazelhurst Avenue, Merion Station, PA
Cost: One ticket is one dollar, one ticket per game play unless otherwise indicated.
Buy 10 game tickets for 10 dollars - What a bargain and lots of fun for kids of all ages.
Our Scout House Origins:
In 1917 the Merion Scout House was dedicated to the use of the Liberty Troop by Eldridge Reeves Johnson, founder of the Victor Talking Machine Company. Originally a carriage house for the Johnson estate, the Liberty Troop had used the building to meet for several years before 1917. In 1917, Mr. Johnson dedicated his former carriage house to the exclusive use of the Liberty Scout Troop and at the same time he began construction of the Merion Tribute House. The Merion Scout House has been in continuous use since then; and it is believed that it is the oldest continuously used independent troop scout house in the nation.